I've always felt so blessed and humbled when other knitters have chosen one of my designs to knit. So much so, in fact, that I have decided to display their work on my blog. LOL, I should have thought of this when I 1st started to blog, my apologies, sometimes the obvious things in life take me a while!
Nan from Nan Knits was nice enough to share a picture of her Flower Power washcloth with me. She gifted it to her daughter (what a great mom!), her daughter is using her's as a doily, wonderful idea! Thanks, Nan!
10-16-06 Rhoda of Left-Handed Knitting in a World of Right-Handers fame agreed to share her Flower Power washcloth with me! How cool is that?! She is part of the Dishcloth Fun kal (which is no longer active, it is now Fun Knitting Dishcloths kal) that is using the Flower Power pattern. That is about the coolest thing ever! Thanks, Rhoda!
8-09-06 My dear friend Amy's Leaves of Whimsy socks. Amy was my swap partner in the Knitter's Help yarn swap earlier this year. She knit the socks with some of the sock yarn that I sent her during our swap! Knit with Brown Sheep Wildfoote. Thanks, Amy!
9-21-06 Heather from Pixiestikz gives Flower Power washcloths as gifts with a bar of soap wrapped in the middle, what a great idea! Heather told me she has knit 10 of them, I am so honored! THANKS, Heather!
10-18-06 Hakucho from Hakucho, it's mostly about knitting is also one of the knitters in the Dishcloth Fun kal (which is no longer active, it is now Fun Knitting Dishcloths kal). I love the use of different yarns in this cloth! Thanks for sharing, Hakucho!
Oct, 1006 Carolyn from Whippoorwill Nest (gorgeous beaded jewelry, go have a look!) and Dish Cloths Galore is nice enough to allow me to show everyone her Flower Power washcloth, don't you LOVE it?! Thanks a bunch, Carolyn!!
Carole was nice enough to share her Flower Power washcloth with us! Isn't it lovely?! I love, love the color, LOL, I think everyone knows I'm a "pink" girl, lol! Carole's knitting creations can be found on her blog, Craft Carole. Thanks for sharing, Carole!!
11-02-06 My friend, Arleta is nice enough to share her YARN GIRL washcloth as it was presented to me during one of the contests on my blog, LOL! Thanks so much, Arleta! I LOVE your cloth!
10-30-06 Susan from Imagine Creative Name Here has graciously allowed me to post her Flower Power washcloth photo! Thanks, Susan! Susan told me that she has another OTN for her daughter and is thinking of knitting several more as teachers' gifts! I must say, that made my day!!!
11-14-06 Renee of Sticky's Little Girl fame was kind enough to send our very 1st picture of A Touch of Whimsy scarf....a GORGEOUS one that it is, too! Renee knit her scarf with Paton's Classic Wool...lol, looking at it makes me want to hurry up and knit mine! Renee is gifting this lovely to the Red Scarf Project! WTG, Renee!
so much for sharing your photograph.
Nov 15, 2006 Beth from the famous Numercal Knitting blog is our latest knitter! Beth knit her FP washcloth with Crystal Palace Cotton Chenille, don't you know that's gotta be soft! Beth knit this washcloth while she was grounded (for 8 hours!!!) in O'Hare airport due to the weather. LOL, as she states in her blog, she had everything but a darning needle at the ready for just such a knitting emergency! LOL, I'm sorry to say that Beth missed the blog contest....had she made it on time, this is her entry:
"As usual, I’m a day late and a dollar short, but in any case, here’s the washcloth being used as a holding pen for confiscated items." LOL, TOO FUNNY! Beth, thanks so much for allowing me to post your photos in the Knitters Gallery
And for your contest photo....I love to laugh....any and all of the time!!
11-17-06 OMGoodness, I am absolutely thrilled that my friend, Cindy (I'm trying to talk her into blogging
) was kind enough to send some photos of her A Touch of Whimsy scarf, this scarf was knit in the vermillion colorway of Malabrigo, isn't it gorgeous
My Man surprised me with Photoshop Elements and CS and I wanted to see that stunning red scarf POP, so I played with the photo a bit..... Thanks, Cindy for sharing your work with us!
11-25-06 My dear friend, Tina, known far and wide from Welcome To My Place was nice enough to share her GORGEOUS A Touch of Whimsy scarf with us...thanks, Tina, you are an
for sharing! I adore the scarf in white...YUM!
Nov, 2006 Check it out
Check it out!!! My new friend, Shannon was nice enough to allow me to post a photo of the perfect
pair of Lonnie's Sport Socks that she knit for her boyfriend. He is going to love
love these socks, too, no doubt about it!
for sharing your socks with us, you are the best!
This is the very 1st entry into the Knitters Gallery for 2007!

Happy New Year Knitters!!!!
1-13-07 A new knitty friend, Julie that can be found hanging out at At the Blog of Julie P was nice enough to send in a couple of her washcloth photos! And Julie, like many of us in the knitting community has chosen to LIVE TO KNIT as you can see by her lovely washcloth that shouts this knitting credo!! Yes, we knitters love what we do! Julie,
for sharing your pics with us...I'm looking forward to seeing the others that you are working on, too!
Thanks, again!
1-31-07 A knitter that I met, Nikki, was gracious enough to send me some photos of her BORN TO IPOD cloth! And it looks wonderful
, too! One of my favorite things about designing and this gallery is that I get the opportunity to meet so many new, wonderful people! Not only did I get a photo from Nikki, but one from her husband, this
is his very 1st project, don't you think he did a great job?! Not only that, he has a wonderful idea that some of you musicians might want to try (I'm certainly going to do this for my hubby), he made his cloth out of wool to be used as a guitar cloth. Being the wife of a guitar player I know that they baby their guitars, so this is a high honor for this alien cloth! I would like to say
to both of you!
2-17-07 How gorgeous is this?! I'm LOVIN' it! Isabelle (aka Tricotine) from the very cool Tricotine As soon as I finish this row... blog emailed the lovely photo of her Flower Power washcloth today. I must say, there aren't too many things that make me happier than seeing another knitter's pic of a WKDesign in my email.....you made my day, my friend
! Thank you so very much for sharing your wonderful
with the us!
Okay, get this, Isabelle sparked a design idea in her email (so you can thank her if I pull it off)! She told me that she had heard that I had also designed a bath mat in the "Flower Power" theme. Well, sorry to say I've not, but happy to say that I am more than willing to give it a go! So, knitstas, be on the lookout....you never know if/when one might arrive...thanks to Isabelle!! 3-11-07 My friend Shannon is back (see her previous piece in the Gallery...her pair of Lonnie's Sport Socks...I LOVE that color, too!) with her simply STUNNING
A Touch of Whimsy Hat,
my goodness, look at the detail, the color...it is GORGEOUS!! This hat is for Shannon's sister and I think she's gonna LOVE it! Shannon is a giver, that's for sure, she knit the socks for her boyfriend and the hat for her sister, don't you know they just love her to pieces! Shannon,
so very much for choosing to knit another WK Design, I am so honored! Thanks, too, sharing your photos with us!!!
**A Note from me** I hope to have a SmugMug account in the next month or 2 and when I do so I will then be able to showcase your designs in a classier fashion...of which you all deserve! 4-04-07 Don't you just love it?! I do! Jan from
is participating in the April Showers kal at Get Stitchy! (a forum for fiber artists of all kinds) that I just found and to my absolute surprise and delight she had chosen the Flower Power washcloth as one of her projects!! I just wanted to say
many times over!!
****Side note****rather than starting a gallery at SmugMug where I wasn't given the opportunity to link back to the knitter I have created my own via Comcast and will continue to update this one so that I will have a record of everyone's names and info and may continue to make it available for those who like my chattiness, LOL. 4-11-07 4-10-07 Nicole of Purple Duckie fame was nice enough to share her BORN TO IPOD washcloth with us. Don't ya just love it?! LOL, think she likes purple?! LOL, we all do, Nicole! And IPods, my husband has several of them! I would like to
for allowing me to post your photo!
4-11-07 Tell me.....How cute are they?! They register off the charts on the "Dogs are your best friend meter" that's for sure! Lori from Starz Above has graciously allowed me to put her photo in the gallery, EmNm is wearing her A Touch of Whimsy hat and Pickles (the dog) is more than happy to be at her side!
, Lori, for allowing me to post your photo in the gallery, it's just too cute! Your hat looks fabulous
by the way, I kind of allowed the EmNem and Pickles to overshadow it, LOL!
4-09-07 I've met another friend, Shari at Get Stitchy, this new forum I've found that is home to needle artists of all kinds, it's a really cool place. I joined just a few days ago and already I've met knitters who have shared their FO's with us from the cool kal, April Showers (scroll down a bit and you will see Shari's gorgeous Flower Power Washcloths, just look, she did 2 for her girls, one has a regular flower power center and the other has the swirly flower power center...I think that is so cool! The kal is to knit things for the bathroom....cool, isn't it). Shari isn't a blogger (yet, maybe we can talk her into it so we can see all of her FOs!) and we have already been chatting a bit via email, she is a very cool person and I am so happy that she shared her lovely photo with us,
these are for you, just a small gesture to say THANKS!
4-16-07 Melissa from Meliabella Knits (a very cool blog...go have a look and read a bit!) was nice enough to allow me to post her lovely Flower Power Washcloth, don't you just love the colorway?! I do, it says Spring to me! I am happy to say that I met Melissa at Get Stitchy, too! She, too, is participating in
....how cool is that?! She is the 3rd person I've met that has chosen to knit the FP Washcloth as her project....we are knitting items for the bathroom, it's a lot of fun. Melissa is so nice she's giving this one to a friend and is knitting another for herself, I am honored,
many times over!!!!!
1-04-07 I can't explain my excitement when I ran across Sue from Mommy Susie Knits via mutual kal's and I saw on the top of her list of FO's, A Touch of Whimsy Scarf! That was a very nice surprise! Not only did she knit it, but sent it, along with 2 other gorgeous scarves to The Red Scarf Project! I am now even more honored, I'm
pink! I must say
many times over!!!
2-03-7 I was equally surprised to find that my friend Nikki who is known far and wide from Pink Dandelion had also knit A Touch of Whimsy Scarf and she didn't even tell me! (or...she did and it was when I was having horrible troubles with my hip/leg and I don't rememeber...my bad if I forgot Pink D
). Anyway, isn't it GORGEOUS?! I am loving that color! You, my friend are a
doll, thanks
so much for choosing one of my designs!!
May 21, 2007 I am so pleased to share this GORGEOUS A Touch of Whimsy Scarf with you! Isn't it lovely?! A new knitter friend, Lynn, had emailed me with questions about her Whimsy scarf and the next thing I know not only is she knitting the Whimsy scarf but she had taught her sister, Marie to knit and this is Marie's scarf! I am so happy that these girls are sharing their work with us because from the looks of it they are going to be a knitting
force to be reckoned with!! Both brand new knitters with no fear! Jumping right into ICord cast on/off, lace and cabling, WTG! Marie, your scarf is STUNNING
I want to
for choosing to knit one of my designs and for sharing it with us. Lynn, you are a great teacher, can't wait to see your's, too!!!
May 27, 2007 How STUNNING is Daisy's A Touch of Whimsy Scarf?! I LOVE IT!! She knit it with Malabrigo, too!
so much for sharing your photo with us! Daisy's cool blog is where I heard about Ravelry, she is definetly in the knitting know! I'm so THRILLED
that you chose a WK Design to knit, THANKS SO MUCH!!!!
July 20, 2007 I'm so thrilled to see that my bud, Nicol of Knit Chick fame has been having a blast knitting Flower Power Washcloths!!! She tells me to tune into her blog next week for some more FP cloth photos, I'm telling ya, I'm honored! Thanks a MILLION, Nicol!! Your cloths are GORGEOUS! Nicol is true to her word!
Just check out all of the cloths she has knit for friends and with other FP cloths scattered in the bunch!! You Rock, thanks, my friend!
July 26, 2007 My new friend Karen has graciously submitted a photo of her gorgeous A Touch of Whimsy scarf ! Isn't it just beautiful!?! Thanks so VERY MUCH, Karen, I'm truly honored that you chose to knit a WK Design! I'm afraid Karen is blogless, but I'm gonna work on her to see if she will consider starting one! Karen, YOU ROCK! Thanks so much!
Aug. 7, 2007 My dear friend, Ann-Marie (known far and wide @ the hopping blog, The Chick With Sticks!) knit this GORGEOUS pair of Leaves of Whimsy Socks using the yarn that she dyes herself (is that yarn beautiful or what?!). I am not only honored that she chose to knit these socks, BUT she's sending them to her Sockpalooza pal, I'm so EXCITED AND HONORED!!!! Thanks so much, Ann-Marie!
Ya'll need to hop on over to Ann-Marie's Etsy Shop (thechickwithsticks) and buy some of her STUNNING yarn!! Aug. 11, 2007 Debi was nice enough to send in her photo of the Guitar Man Socks that she knit for her daughter, aren't they lovely?! Well, she, like me, has a husband that is a musician
and he had fun taking the pictures, are they cool
or what?!
so very much for choosing to knit one of my designs, but for sending the too cool picture for all to see, too!
8-18-07 I am so pleased to showcase to the knitting
world, the stunning sock magic of the one and only Heather, don't ya just love them?! Her husband is stylin' and profilin' his #1 Husband Socks that Heather made for him. AND, get this....she is thinking of knitting smaller versions for their boys so that they can have the same kind of socks that Dad has...now that is too
! I can hardly wait to see them! Almost forgot to mention, I met my new friend Heather on Ravelry where you can find all of her knitting, etc under the name of Yankee Mom...GO.....LOOK,she does amazing work! Heather, you're a
for choosing to knit one of my designs...they are perfect!
8-18-07 How cool is this A Touch of Whimsy Scarf?! Don't ya just love it?! It was knit by the one and only Lani known by through wonderful blog, Sister, Sister the life and times of the Weaver sisters (I love her blog, just have a look!). And, she's also another new friend that I've met @ Ravelry where she is known as LaniW. I love, love her scarf, love the color, she knit it with Mission Falls 1824 Cotton which is a great idea! I think I may have to borrow your idea so I can wear one here in he South during the fall! Girl, I have to say
many times over! I am so honored that you (as I am with every knitter that does so) chose to knit one of my little designs, it gives me more pleasure than ya'll will every know!
8-30-07 OMGoodness, these socks are absolutely STUNNING! A met a very cool friend, Sarah on Ravelry a few days ago when I saw this GORGEOUS pair of Leaves of Whimsy socks and she was gracious enough to allow me to share them with you! This beautiful yarn is Zitron Trekking (XXL) (I gotta get some of that!). I have to tell you, Sarah is so nice and can regularly be found on her cool blog, on Ravelry as Star OR on the squidoo she has begun for future Ravelers..things they need to know, do in advance, etc...which is a great idea and this most useful squidoo is entitled Ravelry is Swell AND IT SO IS!!! Thanks for all that you are doing, my friend! AND
for not only honoring me by choosing to knit one of my designs, but by sharing these beauties with everyone!!!
9-11-07 My friend Wendy knit this absolutely STUNNING A Touch of Whimsy Scarf last month for her aunt using Malabrigo (DON'T WE JUST LOVE IT?!)but she can't remember the name of the colorway...which is probably a good thing for me because I love it too much, LOL! Wendy is a wonderful girl, she's someone that you will find spreading Random Acts of Kindness. How do I know this?! Read her blog, Musings from a Knucklehead.... LOL, a knucklehead?! Perhaps, but a very kind one and one that
beautifully! Wendy, thanks for sharing your Random Acts with me....this is going to be FUN
many times over for honoring me by choosing to knit one of my designs and for sharing it with everyone!
9-14-07 Oh Me! Oh My! Is this a GORGEOUS scarf or what?! Once again, my dear friend Lani from the cool blog, Sister, Sister The Life and Times of the Weaver Sisters...I mean, how cool is that, doing a blog with your sister?! I need to ask my sis if she would like to blog with me! Pardon me I digress. As you may remember from Lani's previous selection (just a few photos above), she is wellknown on Ravelry as LaniW (check out her FOs...OUTSTANDING
). I love, love the colorway that she has chosen for this A Touch of Whimsy Scarf, don't you?! And, check it out, Onyx the
so knows he is setting a style statement with his
self as he's wrapped in that luxurious Malabrigo, LOL, he's no fool (Onyx, I'm very
embarrassed if you are a girl).
I've said before, I'll continue to say it, I am so very, very privileged and thrilled that you, all of you have chosen to
one of my designs!!! Please, allow me to say
many times over!!!!
9-21-07 A fellow knitter, Joanna (stop by and say
hello!) was so kind as to choose to
A Touch of Whimsy Scarf as her 3rd knitting project!!! Ambitious knitter,
WTG!!! I'm so honored that you chose one of my designs have have to say
for sending your photos to me so that I can show the Knitting World (those that stop by here, the VERY COOL portion
!) your gorgeous creation AND, I so LOVE to open an email from a fellow knitter and to see a photo of a WK Design, now that makes my day!! I see many, many intricate knitting projects on the horizon for Joanna since she chose to tackle this one with lace, cable, ICord cast on/off & slip st edging...you are ready for all sorts of knitting, my friend!!!
9-27-07My dear friend Sandi from the one and only My Knitting Garden blog has been so kind as to share her beautiful Flower Power Washcloth with us!!!
I was so pleased when she told me that she enjoyed knitting it and that she was going to knit several for others that I felt like
dancing for joy! I do get the greatest joy when fellow knitters tell me that they have enjoyed one of my designs, it's really hard to describe and I just want to
dance! Sandi, you made my day!! Thanks for sharing your lovely work!
9-28-07 My friend Tina has graciously chosen to knit the YARN HO cloth (one of my faves, because, I am no doubt....a YARN HO, in the most knitty &
sweet kind of way, as all YARN HO's are
). I had a look at some of Tina's other FOs and the girl is an EXTRAORDINARY knitter! She does beautiful work and, obviously, the girl
yarn as we YARN HO's do!!!! Tina,
so much! Looking forward to your next FO!
Oct 8, 2007
! A fellow knitter, Brandy was kind enough to not only choose to knit A Touch of Whimsy Scarf but to email me this photo of her gorgeous scarf! And...this is her 1st scarf! I have to say, I am extremely honored that you chose one of my designs as your 1st scarf to knit
!!! I would like to say
many times over for sharing your lovely work with us! I have to say it again, I get the greatest joy
when a fellow knitter chooses to knit one of my designs!!
12-26-07 My dear friend known far and wide from her blog, Sylvie the Procratiknitter (I so love that name!) and as "Sylvie" on the one and only Ravelry was kind enough to send these pictures of her GORGEOUS A Touch of Whimsy Scarf and I want to say
for sharing your gorgeous work with us! AND
for choosing to knit one of the WK Designs, you (as does everyone) bring joy to my life for having chosen to knit one of my little designs!!! You ROCK!!
12-28-07 My new and dear friend, Jessica sent the last Knitters Gallery photo for 2007! Thanks to ALL OF YOU who have not only chosen to knit a WK Design, but have been so kind as to share your wonderful work with the rest of us this year...YA'LL ALL ROCK and always will!
Now, for Jessica, I'm afraid she doesn't have a blog (I'm trying to talk her into starting one so we can all see her beautiful work!). Now, Jessica tells me she is a "beginner" yet she hopped right into knitting A Touch of Whimsy Hat CAN U BELIEVE?! I told her she is a fearless knitter and will be knitting whatever she wants whenever she wants! The nice thing about this is that she gave it to her future mil for Christmas and her future mil taught Jessica to knit! How nice is that?! She also included the next project in the package, but with the needles still in it because it wasn't quite done! Don't you know that is one PROUD almost mil?! Thanks so much for choosing to knit one of my little designs and for sharing your lovely work with all of us to see! Here ya go, a virtual gift
from me to you, shoot....to all of you in the Knitters Gallery of 2006 and 2007, I love you all!!!
Jan, 2, 2008 NOW TELL ME...just how much do you love this Flower Power Washcloth and the gift basket McKell made using it, a floral bib (TOO CUTE) and one of my faves...homemade soap?! I'm telling ya,
I love, love! Love the presentation, too! Like Martha Stewart and all those decorating ladies on the home shows, presentation is so important (I'm so in need of work in that department!)! I have to say
many times over for sharing with us!!
Jan. 8, 2008 Okay, ya'll remember Jessica, the last fellow knitter of 2007, the girl who gave the A Touch of Whimsy Hat
to her future mil (who had taught Jessica to knit!) for Christmas, right?! Well, the project that was included with the hat that was still a WIP was her gorgeous A Touch of Whimsy Scarf! She recently emailed me with these FABULOUS
photos of the completed scarf...is it BEAUTIFUL, or what?! Here, Jessica, is a cyber hug
from all of your fellow knitters! You are an inspiration! We so know your future mil agrees with us!
so very much for sharing your wonderful work & story with us! Now, hurry up & get that blog going so we can be nosy (I mean share) in your life, see what you've knit & wedding plans, etc, LOL!!!!
Feb. 28, 2008 This beauty is from the one and only Mary who can be found at the outstanding Knitting in Red Shoes blog, how cute is that name?! Ya know she's got to be too cool, don't ya?! Mary knit the hat with Less than 218 yards of Purewool Poison, now I've not yet heard of or used this yarn, but the name has me hooked and I must try it (fyi, I've been out of the midst of things for months, so I have a lot to catch up on!). Mary,
so much, you rock, my friend. And, your hat gets a perfect 10
for sure, it's wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing!
March 14, 2008, I so LOVE all of the lovely pictures that my friend Lu, who can be found around her very cool blog, Dog Days of Knitting and, of course, she's known as Arielluria on Ravelry. I think that your pups are TOO CUTE! And, I must say, your A Touch of Whimsy Scarf is beautiful! Thank you so very, very much for sending your pictures so that our fellow knitters can have a look at your beautiful work! I am truly so honored that you, all of you choose to knit one of my designs, it gives me more joy than I can express! Thanks, again!
I am very, very blessed because so many of my fellow knitters have chosen to knit my designs - I am overwhelmed by the response and more honored than I have the proper words to express. Thanks to all of you! Many knitters have FOs of WKDesigns on Ravelry, which is very cool and rewarding, but I still enjoy sharing the photos of fellow knitters who email pics of their FOs. With that said, let's show off some 2009 photos!
(click to enlarge) Jan, 2009 Heather was nice enough to not only choose to knit one of my designs, but sent a photo of her gorgeous "A Touch of Whimsy Scarf" to share!!! It's LOVELY!! Thanks so much, Heather, I'm very honored :0)
Feb., 2009 Anna Maria sent this photo of her "Music Man Socks" - don't ya just love 'em?! I DO!! I think that they are wonderful and the man in her life does, too!! Thanks so very much, my friend!
May, 2009 Tina knit a pair of "Guitar Man Socks" for her brother! I canNOT explain just exactly how excited and honored I am that my fellow knitters choose to knit my designs - thanks so much Tina! I love the colorway! Thanks for sharing :0)
June, 2009 Jessica knit these "A Lotta Whimsy Socks" cuff down rather than toe up as in the pattern - I SO LOVE THEM! She also used different color yarn for toes/heels/cuffs, which is a great idea, especially when stash busting! I'm so happy you chose to knit one of my designs, Jessica! Thanks so much! Thanks, too, for sharing your photo!

I feel so famous! It's like getting published. lol. Thanks for posting my pic, it definitely was a pleasure to share it with you and thanks for the great pattern! Keep 'em coming. ;)
It's so very "cool" to be included in your gallery. Thanks, Becka
Happy Knitting :)
I should have some more pics for your gallery sometime soon. If I get off this computer and start knitting, that is.
Thanks for sharing your patterns, and for making a place for us to show-off.
Thanks Becka for including me in your gallery. The scarf was such a fun night. Keep those patterns coming. The hat is the next item on my list.
I sure wish I knew how to proofread. It was a "fun knit"
Cindy, your scarf is GORGEOUS! LOL, speaking of proofreading, I must email you about a time I put my foot in my mouth on KnittingHelp an left it in my mouth so long I munched on it before I found the mistake! And,of course, knitters being the pranksters that we are didn't tell me!!! fyi...too embarrassing to post here!
Thanks for all of your wonderful photos, kitters! Ya'll are the BEST!
BIG HUGS to all of you!
What a great idea.
I love all the flower washcloths! What a great way to celebrate spring. :)
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