FLOP, and I don't mean cutesy tootsie shoes

Even though I don't like it and I apparently lost my ability to knit while knitting it, I will show a photo...

Okay, this is what I learned:
1. I cast on far too many stitches.
2. I decreased too quickly, I had hoped to create a bit of an A line, I did NOT achieve that goal!
3. Don't use such a large lace pattern on the bottom of a child's top.
4. Don't use wooly nylon for sewing the rings onto the straps.
5. Take frequent breaks when working with this cotton yarn. My hands are very sore!
6. Best lesson learned...take the risk, play with design, you are going to learn a LOT! And, I did just that.
I do like sewing the straps onto these rings.

Awww, don't beat yourself up--you're waaaaay braver than I am, to be designing things yourself! I'm very impressed! From here, the top looks fine, but like you said, it's a learning experience & that's great.
Awww. From the photo it looks just adorable! You obviously have a lot of talent -- i can't wait to see the end result!
Hey Rebecca,
Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog. I just love the chef and the seeing the exciting places you put him. Thanks for sharing.
Sorry the top didn't work out the way you wanted, but it's still beautiful work. I learned the same thing about cotton the hard way, too. I love working with the stuff, but sheesh is it tiring compared to other yarns.
I think that's it's really wonderful. You are probably your own worst critic !
I really like your blog...I agree that the chef is fun.
Laura R.
The top looks great - despite the problems. Designing takes time....and I haven't even thought about going there. I've only knit one item that was 100% cotton and it was very rough!!
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