Caper: 1. A playful leap or hop.
2. A frivolous escapade or prank.
3. Slang An illegal plot or enterprise, especially one involving theft.
intr.v. ca·pered, ca·per·ing, ca·pers
To leap or frisk about; frolic.
2. A frivolous escapade or prank.
3. Slang An illegal plot or enterprise, especially one involving theft.
intr.v. ca·pered, ca·per·ing, ca·pers
To leap or frisk about; frolic.
Caper: 1. A usually spiny Mediterranean shrub (Capparis spinosa) having white to pale lilac flowers and dehiscent fruits with reddish pulp.
2. A pickled flower bud of this plant, used as a pungent condiment in sauces, relishes, and various other dishes.
2. A pickled flower bud of this plant, used as a pungent condiment in sauces, relishes, and various other dishes.
Why did the word "caper" come to mind when knitting these Anthropologie Inspired Capelets for my great-nieces?! I have no idea! I would like to say that I was thinking of them "playfully leaping and hopping" along. Or, perhaps that I thought of them in their capelets while eating out with their parents and enjoying the capers that were in their, could you imagine 5 or 6 year old girls enjoying capers?! I think not! Actually, the word capers came to mind as a play on words when I was trying to say capelets and it came out as capers...yep, I couldn't speak, that's where it came from, I freely admit it!
Okay, since I've embarrassed myself by admitting that I often can't say easy words like "capelet" I will get on with the knitting. Yes, I am currently knitting for a couple of my great-nieces. These girls are the children of my brother's daughter and my sister's son and my goodness, I am old or what?! I remember their mom and dad (my niece and nephew) being this age YESTERDAY! Anyway, it's fun to knit for kids! Fast, fun knitting! Thus far I've knit one capelet and short snort tank, as seen in my previous post. Well, I am pretty sure that the capelet is too small, so I decided to make a bigger one, so I did.
and I am relatively certain that this will fit. I thought that another Short Snort out of the question for this time of year, so I went with a simple raglan top
I added a bit of novelty yarn to the bottom for kid-friendly wear...I still HATE novelty yarn, by the way, it's horrible to knit with, but....I caved for the girls...this is what a good aunt is supposed to do, right?! I do so hope that this combo fits
FYI, this is actually a deep shade of purple in real life! I have found out that I should be outdoors taking pictures as I thought, but, alas, didn't happen today! I have also cast on for the 2nd top,
I must say, there's nothing quite as satisfying as a quick knit (well, I can think of a few things, but I'll not discuss them here
!). I decided that I was going to revert to the yarn that I used when I first began knitting....forgive me...acrylic for the kiddies, it's bulky, too! I don't like to knit with either bulky or acrylic yarn, but, again, a sacrifice that a good aunt is willing to make.

So, I have to finish this yellow raglan and the capelet that goes with and these will be off to see the girls! I hope to then (finally) finish Lonnie's My Man's (do ya'll have any good code names that I can use for him that don't sound hinky?!) socks and then onto another top for my sister. I am going to knit the lovely Molly from Knit Scene using the cone of cotton fleece that I got from one of my fave ebay stores, I had hoped to knit Camisa (also from Knit Scene), but I don't have enough cotton fleece for her...perhaps another time. I love to knit for my sister! She loves my knitting and loves to receive any knitted item, which makes knitting for her an absolute joy! From there I hope to actually begin knitting for me! I am so looking forward to finally beginning to knit the lovely shawls that are patiently awaiting their turns!
Are you a treasure hunter?! Are you participating in the Scavenger Hunt?! I need your photo answers tomorrow!!! I've had many wonderfully fun answers...looking forward to your's!!

My latest online purchases arrived today...and, guess what?! Not even yarn! But, for me, knitting related! I was in dire need of a nice, big, leather bag. I wanted this bag for everyday use. I also wanted this bag to be large enough to both carry my "purse" things and any WIP that I may decide to carry along with me. With this info in mind I began to look last weekend when My Man and I were out of town...I didn't find anything that I wanted. I just saw bags with metal studs on them! Or, they were just odd looking...I wanted a simple, elegant, non-adorned, black, leather bag! Who knew this would be hard to find?! I took my quest online and stumbled across Wilsons Leather (we have this store in one of our malls, but I was at home looking!) and some fabulous deals! I must say, I was ecstatic when I found a $120 bag for $28, I mean, how cool is that?! Then, I found a very nice wallet ($80 wallet!) for $10!!!! I am just tickled pink, to say the least!! Allow me to show you the valuable finds!
Have a look inside..
Nice and roomy! Much more roomy than shown in the, I must say that my photography doesn't do the finds much justice!

Yay for kids knitting. Nice purses, of course Mo probably thinks you order the box, not the stuff inside!
LOVE gettin a bargain... love leather weather & wearin leather & leather related goods! yarns up there too... leather's still in first place tho!
yeah i love autumn too & i'd looooove to have a great aunt like you & i mean GREAT.. those anthropologie sets are awesome!
yeah i'm in a lovey mood today i think hahah
Cute tops! I'm not sure how you say capelet either. ;)
Knitting for kids IS fun (because they're little & it goes fast, LOL). And you are a good auntie to use the fun fur for them--don't kids just love that stuff? The tops/capers/capelets are so cute!
That sweater set is adorable! I'm glad I have a kid (that's not mine) to knit for now, it's like the best of both worlds. ;)
I'm not sure what it is with cats and boxes but it's adorable. Mine loves bags too, dunno what's up with that either.
I finished one of the bracelets and I'm starting a brown one now. :)
THose outfits are adorable!!
I used to know a little girl who would eat salsa by the handfulls! It was pretty funny to watch too, her eyes would be watering, so much it was streaming down her cheeks and she'd reach for another handful lol!
Adorable bag and wallet! Everytime I see your cat-in-yet-another-box it makes me laugh.
Love the tops for your nieces! You are such a good aunt to knit with acyrlic in their honor.
As a gigging musician, big black leather bags are my friend! Great buy!
Here it's grandkid who climb in each box that arrives! LOL
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