After much thought I decided to go with the popular choice and do a Scavenger Hunt!

The Rules:
1. You need to answer each of these clues using a picture found online (when you email your results to me the photos can either be in your email or in a link). You may NOT create the answer on your blog, it must be found elsewhere online, it doesn't have to be on a blog, but blogs are preferable. Another note, I need a photo, any photo of the answer will be fine, for example, if I were to ask, "Who was the 1st president of the US?" I would not require this photo of George, any photo of GW will do.
2. For each photo that you obtain from a blog you will get an additional point. Your name will be entered in the contest again for each additional point that you accumulate.
When you have the answers email me with your answers (all in one email, please).
3. If your answers are correct, I will email you back and you can then place

4. You are NOT to give any hints to any of the answers on your blog, the only evidence that you have completed the Hunt will be the Treasure Map.
5. The Hunt begins today and will end on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 at noon EST. The winner will be randomly chosen from all of the entries. I will announce the winner on Thursday, September 28, 2006.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ASK, email me.
will be 2 luscious hanks of Lornas Laces sock yarn
, a set of dpns and the pattern for Leaves of Whimsy socks!!

The Scavenger Hunt!
1. Show me a cube of the 1980’s.
2. Grape cylindrical writing tool.
3. Musical drifting stinger of the sea.
4. Tall, thin characters in a Beatles cartoon.
5. Say hello to my little friend.
6. Designer of the June scarf.
7. Out on the road today I saw a deadhead sticker on a Cadillac.
8. Pocket Parrot
9. Colorful Amazonian tropical fish.
7. Out on the road today I saw a deadhead sticker on a Cadillac.
8. Pocket Parrot
9. Colorful Amazonian tropical fish.
10. My fave knitting yarn company.
11. I need headgear from a fast food place.
12. Don’t mind her. She’s still upset because somebody dropped a house on her sister.
13. bgk
14. Underwater transportation of the fab 4.
15. Go to the mattresses.
16. I hear the ocean with it next to my ear.
17. My fave knitting needles.
18. Musical Affirmative
19. Creator of the slip stitch edge.
20. We’re off to see the wizard.
I would like to thank Amber for her suggestion of a scavenger hunt! She, as well as everyone else who left ideas for the contest will have their name entered an additional time!
Holey Moley! I'm going to give it a try.
Hey - cool idea. Will definitely have to play.
I'm giving it a try too if I find the time.
So fun.....I hope to find the time this weekend!
Looks like fun!! I hope I can find time... I'll have to consult my dad though, some of the clues are a little ahead of my time... ;-)
Fun! Some of those clues are really challenging -- I'd better get to work!
Hey Everybody!
Hope you all are having fun scavenging for clues. I thought it time for a clue....think back....
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