Ahhh, the weekly meme...well, for me, not so much, it's weekly when I remember it, and those of you who either know me personally or have read my blog for a while know that my memory leaves a lot to be desired! But, alas, today, I remember.....
Friday's Feast
Feast One Hundred & Twelve
Measured in minutes or hours, how much exercise have you had in the last week?
What a good question! I have actually recently gotten the okay from my doc to begin a light exercise program and have now been exercising regularly for about 3 weeks! My current routine is about 45 minutes a day (I sometimes do this routine twice daily), and I take one day a week off. So, I exercised about 6.75 hours this past week.
If you had to change your blog title to something else, what would it be?
Hmmm, I don't know, let me think.....I've got it! You see, I have the best husband in the world in many ways, one of the things that he does is spoil me rotten, so my new blog title would be "The Spoiled Knitter" I'll have to remember this, I like it! Should I change to typepad I may also change the blog name!
Name one television show you watched when you were 9-12 years old.
Dark Shadows
Main Course
If someone gave you $50 to spend with the one condition that it had to be educational, what would you purchase?
That's easy! I would have to get EZ's dvd, "The Knitting Workshop" there is so much instruction in this dvd that it teaches knitting up to a master knitter level! A girl can never have enough knitting education, right?!
Do you tend to prefer dark colors, neutral shades, or lighter/pastel hues?
Yes. I mean, I love all colors and I don't prefer one over another, depends upon my mood and the season.
About the ongoing Blog Scavenger Hunt!! Answers must be in by Wed., Sept. 27, 2006!!!
Knitting News
I am currently working on Anthropologie Inspired Capelets and Short Snort Tanks from Knit and Tonic for my 2 great nieces. My niece had asked me to make something for her daughter some time ago and I've finally gotten the chance to begin. What with fall pending I thougth that the capelet and a tank would look cute on little girls.
I couldn't very well knit something for one great niece and not the other, so I'll be knitting 2 of each. I've finished one of the capelets (what a quick knit for a kid! Done in one night!) and will finish the short snort in a few minutes.

With this one I opted for Woolease, a perfect yarn for kids...both machine washable and dryable. The other set will be done in a bulky yarn.
Cute! Lucky great nieces.
My son, Malcolm always had to see Dark Shadows every day before his afternoon kindergarten class. They used to show reruns on SciFi channel. I don't remember how it started, but he had to see it.
Good for you for exercising. Shame on me, I've only been walking to and from school a couple of times a day.
Cute capelets! Knitting for kids is so much fun in its quickness.
The capelet looks great! I love the color! Your traveling sock is too funny!
Oooh! I love the capelets!
Ohhh.. Dark Shadows. That takes me back!
The capelets are adorable. The sock and captions are a riot.
Pink Dandelion has me doing DDR. Great news that you have been given the green light to go.
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