Friday, May 29, 2009

Recovering from Surgery....

Hey Knitty People!

An update as why my "bloggin' feelin' " has not yet returned....

I'm recoverying fromsurgery  and will be okay (LOL, as "okay" as I get, that is!) soon.

And, as far as knitting....."stealth" projects is all that I can say at the moment, probably for a while - but they are fun  knits.

Happy Knitting (or whatever fibery goodness tickles your fancy) and God Bless!


Sandi said...

Miss you, but rest and recover as best you can! And knit went you can!

glongley said...

Hope you are feeling better soon and thank you for all the free patterns.

Judy S. said...

Feel better soon, Becka!

Holly Watson said...

I hope you feel better soon, Becka! I send many warm thoughts of comfy knitted socks. :)