I am enjoying my Lacevember project, although, I do feel a bit odd in that I am one of the few not actually working with lace wt. yarn. I'm not a fan of lace wt. yarn, sorry! I have decided that I will try it one more time, probably at the beginning of the new year...this will be one of my New Year resolutions...must knit with and enjoy lace wt. yarn!
As I posted recently, I am knitting the gorgeous

Lacevember Questions:
The knitting questions, or the usual suspects
How long have you been knitting?
2 years, 3 months
How did you learn to knit?
From the book that was in a kit that My Man gave me.
Favorite thing about knitting?
I 1st began knitting hoping that it would help keep my mind off of my pain (for those of you who don't know me...I am disabled after many hip replacements/dislocations/other operations/etc that have left me in constant, severe pain) and I am very happy to say that it does just that!
How long have you been knitting lace?
As I've stated before, I don't enjoy knitting with lace wt. yarn. I LOVE knitting lace patterns, with anything from fingering - worsted wt yarn. My favorite being knitting lace socks. Oh, I discovered the joy of lace around 2 years ago, not long after I began knitting.
Favorite thing about knitting lace.
There is no boredom when knitting lace and the patterns are gorgeous.
The yarn questions, or flash your stash
Favorite lace yarn?
As I said before, I am one of the few Lacevember participants who joined because I love knitting lace patterns, not using lace wt yarn. As for favorite, the only lace wt yarn I've used has been KnitPicks, so Alpaca Cloud will have to be the fave.
variegated or solids for shawls?
That is a toss up, I enjoy both, but solid will have to win out here.
Favorite lace color?
I love all colors! Since I'm currently working with a dark blue for my shawl, I'll go with dark blue.
Technique, or show us your skillz
Circs or straights?
Circs, of course.
Favorite lace knitting trick?
For K3 or 4tg I will k2tog, place the st back on the left needle and k2tog again and again for k4tog
If so with what?
contrasting yarn of the same wt as the WIP
Fancy blocking wires, or just sewing pins stuck in your carpet?
pins and the bed in the spare room
Pattern, or can you follow directions
shawls or lacey items?
yes...well, I've knit lacy items and am currently working on my 1st shawl
triangle, rectangle, or circular shawls?
rectangle and triangle
Charts or printed instructions?
Favorite lace you've knit?
Leaves of Whimsy socks
Favorite lace you want to knit?
Fiber Trends Lace Leaf and Flower Basket shawls
Just Fun, yup that's right, just for fun
Favorite jelly belly flavor?
Tell me everything you know about Eric the Red.....
Coke, classic or with lime?
classic, of course!
Holiday carols, sing along, or wish they would be banned from all public airwaves?
sing along!!!
What is the definition of irony?
I hate to work with lace wt yarn and I've joined the Lacevember kal, LOL!
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?
as if I've ever licked to the center!
Why is my cat always puking in front of my son's bedroom door?
Said cat is sick of said son bothering him.
What is your superhero power?
I am now revealing my deepest secret....the Jedi knitting skills that I obtained while learning under the Jedi Knitting Master....

If the laundry is 9 foot by 11 foot (just dreaming, that's a big laundry room), and the walls are 8 feet tall, and you are going to tile the entire room in tiles that are 3 inches by 5 inches, what color should those tiles be?
yes....I mean pink, no....blue, no....red....no....
What's for dinner tonight?
My Man's homemade soup...yummy.
What is clogging my children's bathtub drain?
probably whatever the cat has been puking....and......yarn.
Absolutely nothing wrong with not liking lace weight, especially when you're making such a pretty Ruffles shawl! (I prefer fingering weight myself...tho am hoping lace weight grows on me)
Have you seen Teva Durham's designs? She's really innovative in her use of gauge, just like you. *smile*
Ooh, the shawl is going to be spectacular! Lucky man, Lonnie. His very own socks named for him and everything! That's cool!
Hey Becka! Thanks for being so great in visiting me. I'm finally done with my busy month of work. I sadly,haven't done any knitting in about a month! :( I need to get with it.
Your shawl looks amazing! I tried to do lace knitting, but the lace wt yarn was toooo tiny!! I will have to try what you do. I love the pattern.
Blessings to you!
The wrap is looking SO good so far...I just love that one! Your colors are so nice.
And the deadline is Nov. 13th? yay! I've been too busy to do anything but with another week, I can make it. Yay!
Re: Colourmart Cashmere... I haven't actually knit it yet! I just love the idea of discount cashmere! It actually feels a little rough on the cone, but I have heard that it is because there is spinning oil still on it and that once you wash it it softens up a lot...
Wow, I got the impression that you have been knitting much longer. I have been knitting for 1 year and 2 months. I'm just getting into lace and right now, just don't have the time with the Soaring Eagles Project I'm doing AND all my holiday knitting! The shawl is GORGEOUS!
I am not using anything close to lace weight, not even fingering weight! So there is at least two of us over at lacevember.
I'm using lace weight yarn for the first time, but when I'm done with this shawl, I think I'll go back to socks. I have so much sock yarn, I must not get addicted to lace yarn, too. I can get my lace fix by knitting socks...lol. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
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