BUT, you can bet your sweet bippy (phrase from the show, Laugh In, that was popular during my youth..yes, I'm old! HA! I am NOT!) that I, Becka The Spoiled Knitter will be participating full on during

Thanks, everyone, for the kind comments about A Touch of Whimsy hat! Ya'll just make me feel so nice by saying such sweet things! Afterall, you are the ones who inspired me to actually write out my patterns rather than leaving them around scribbled in one of my notebooks, never to be deciphered again after I'm done knitting the project...for that, I thank you!
Oh my goodness! I've found a wonderful video podcast that I have completely forgotten to mention! My apologies! I apologize for not mentioning it sooner because you all need to watch it, it's fabulous! I enjoy the other knitting podcasts, but I'm much happier if I can "see" what's going on rather than just listen to it! So, I came upon it one day right after the 1st show, I was listening to It's a Purl Man's podcast and he mentioned this one, so I immediately went to have a look! And I so enjoyed what I saw, in the very 1st episode she discusses knitting 2 socks on 2 circs, so you know I was immediately hooked! Now, after listening again today I feel like a "star" because she read one of my comments during her podcast!! Go have a look and a listen, you are going to love

Remember, my pretties, I've got another blog contest coming up...but, who knows when?! I'm not telling! Stay tuned.....
I'm so excited about Lacevember, too! And if you knit that shawl, I wanna see because I did that one as well--LOVED it, although it was a gift & I'm not currently enjoying it, but the recipient is, so that's all that counts.
Good luck on Lacevember! I have too many things to finish before starting anything else. Famous last words. hehe
Thanks for putting up a button for our show!
CAT @ http://letsknit2gether.com
I *loved* Laugh-In. *sigh*
And I joined Lacevember (well, if they'll have me). *g* I *heart* lace.
Lacevember looks awesome! I'm envious because I missed Soctoberfest, so I gotta get in on the lace.
ACK! It can't already be almost Lacevember. I am SOOOOO not ready for it to be that late in the year.
Can't wait to see what lace you knit!
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