Not, deadly, but there are severe side effects related to this bug...BEWARE!
At the onset of S.O. I began to feel shaky, as if I needed to move, move about my home looking for something, but I didn't know what it was I was supposed to look for, I began to get confused, I was alone, I was scared.....Lonnie My MM (it's obvious to me, and I'm sure any reader that I suck at using these code names, maybe I need to come up with a better one for Lonnie my Music Man, because, franky, I think Music Man sounds hinky!) came home and took note of my erratic behavior. He asked if I were okay, or .... so he told me because I have no memory of this.......delirium resulting from this bug had set in!!!

Mind you, I have no recollection of this, but I was told by my MM that I got in the van and drove to Big Lots (best place around for cheap storage containers!) and came home with 3 more storage boxes (35 qt boxes).

During the delirium nothing goes on other than the organization of cleaning and organizing of closets or drawers and cabinets in the kitchen...just yarn.

This bug is specific to a certain area, much like the bugs that centralize in the respiratory or intestinal system...this bug centralizes on yarn, nothing but yarn and it MUST be organized, if not, the shakes and loss of memory continue.

I know this because I was told by MM (thus the continued loss of memory) that I tried not to organize, I'm sure this comes from my natural aversion to all things that have to do with household duties!

Well, I did have a fever, one that would not go away until the deed was done!

Apparently, I then got said deed done, and .... I took pictures, who knew?!

*laugh* That's awesome, you're a great story teller. All the pretty yarns make me want to droooooool.
haha. All of that yarn does make me drooooooool!
You are agreat storyteller--and I am wanting to catch that bug, because my stash could use some reorganizing. And maybe that memory loss is a gift--otherwise you might not want to buy more (to organize)!
HEY~~~ How are you doing!!! I saw your post on cozy's blog, I love your knitting blog alot!!!
Loove the pic and other knitting stuff~~Thank you fir show me!!!
Visit my blof sometime!!! Bye~~
Too funny!
And I thought I had a lot of yarn! LOL.
Good for you for organizing everything! :) I did that just last week and it was hard but fun!
A girl can never have enough yarn!!
Hey thanks for stopping by and saying hi because now I have come over here to see who you are and guess what? I am coming back because I like what I see :) I am going to snabble your ipod dishcloth pattern too, but to be used for a face washer (cloth) for my ipod crazy daughter, thanks for sharing.
OHHH i know that fever, except mine just makes me twitch and its usually brought on by the unaddressed wedding invitation ENVELOPES that are mockin me!
that & the fever for the flavor of a pringle... (your stash makes me green w/jealousy)
and thnx for the comments bout the singing... if lonnie did it, i can do it too!!!! i'll just keep in the back of my mind... that you didnt bust out crying ;)
Sounds like a wonderful disease to have -- is it catching? ;-)
Hey! Thank you so much for stopping by my new blog and leaving my FIRST COMMENT EVER! You rock, and I love your blog... I'll be back!
Can I catch it from visiting your blog? :)
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