I have begun reading knitting blogs more often since I began my blog back in May. Well, I have found that several bloggers use different names for their family members. For example, our friend
Wendy refers to her husband as "HWWV"...
He Who Wears Versace. Of course, she isn't the only one, but she is an example that I thought most everyone would know...and, I like her husband's fake name. As I continued to read various blogs I saw that some bloggers' kids and family members have mysterious names, web pseudonyms.....a good idea for some, perhaps I'll give it a go.....
I got to thinking..."code names, code names"...as my S.O. and I say now and again when referring to the cult classic

(click on picture for movie trailer)....a truly hilarious movie, just the kind of movie that we like, chock full of
twisted humor. As a matter of fact, I just ordered the movie from Netflix...it's time to watch it again.
With that said about this and that pseudonym on the web I thought it time to start initiating my own code names. From now on I will be referred to as The
Crazy Whimsical Knitter or, perhaps just
Crazy Whimsical Knitter. And, I think that I may take the additional step and be referred to by the initials,
CWK or should I include the T in The?!...I would then be T
CWK...I'm going to have to think about the addition of the T...thoughts anyone?...Bueller?...Bueller...?
And, I will not stop with me...my sweet husband, _ _ _ _ _ _ will now be referred to as Man Who Loves the
Crazy Whimsical Knitter. Or, should I use the initials for his name...again, do or don't I include the T?! He will now be MWL
CWK or, should I include the T...MWLT
CWK. Or, since he is a singer and musician perhaps I will refer to him as Music Man or Guitar Man or Husband Who Sings or He Who Plays Guitar and Sings....I could go on and on...
Personally, I find names far easier than the "code names." OMGoodness, what happens if I forget the code names?! What do I do then?! Another thing...do I now have to have code names for the rest of the family and friends?! And...what about my pets...should they, too, have code names?!
Code names, code names, code names.....what's with the code names?!
Funny post. I know what you mean! I use code names because they sound so cool! LOL. I use my real name, though. Weird.
LOL, it's all too confusing, which is why I stick with initials.
LOL, too funny! I think the code names are cute, but I'm not up to doing it myself. I'm sure I'd end up mixing up the names and confusing the heck out of people. Of course, I'm really bad with names. I'm amazed I can remember my own sometimes! ;-)
Well, you know I use code names, but I guess it's a little silly of me since it is sooo easy for anyone to find out the real names if they want (like in my KH sig!). I like the super-simple ones - like when Mer just calls her husband Mister.
Uh, doesn't it start with an L?
Hey Becka! I have collected emoti's for along time! I just go to google and put in smilys or emoticons and sites pop up!
Too funny and a great code name! I would say if I had to code name my DH it would be goober......because that is what I call him at home. I'm sweet aren't I?
Hilarious! I have had this very same mental battle and glad to know I'm not alone. I most certainly would forget often and just go right back to using names.
Besides, if someone is really trying to find us by using our names I just hope they bring a smile when they come...and cake.
Becka - I read this post and roared. In a month of crap taking five minutes out to catch up on one of my favourite knitterly blogs it made me giggle. Thank you =D
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