First of all, thank you all so much for your kind words about the loss of Bo.
Well, Bo's loss was the 1st in a sad and bizarre list.....
Okay, after Bo's loss I was very sad, as you know. Then on the night of July 4 I had just finished blocking something (I don't even know what at this point) on the ironing board and folded the board and leaned it against the wall in the bedroom and didn't give it another thought......until later that night I heard yelping.
Actually, here's how it happened, Lonnie was on computer in the living room and Sally and I were piled in the bed, I was knitting, Sally was sleeping. I got up to tell Lonnie something and Sally stayed sleeping, so I didn't bother her. Well, I was just out of the bedroom door when she began yelling...I flipped out, Lonnie and I went rushing to the room and she had jumped onto the ironing board when jumping off of the bed!!!! #1, she never, never, never jumps off of the bed, it's too high and she's been trained not to. #2, I had forgotten about the ironing board. Well, there are 2 tong-like bars that stick out of the bottom of the board, this is the shelf @ the end of the board that pops up when you open the board. Anyway, Sally had jumped on these tongs...HORROR OF HORRORS!!! One of the tongs actually penetrated her underarm on her back right leg, and pulled muscles on front right. She was yelping, I'm flipping out and crying and Lonnie, bless his heart, I don't know what I would do without him, is calm and reasonable and we then wash the wound and see that there are no internal injuries and we coddle and cuddle's late, quite late, there is no vet. So, we have a sleepless night and, thank God, our vet was open on the 4th and she went in, got 4 staples, a shot, came home with both pain meds and antibiotics and seems to be feeling fine now...thank God!

Okay, next pet tragedy...yeah, the hits keep rolling..
Our oldest cat, Snuggle hasn't been in the best of health for the past 2 years. He almost died of kidney failure 2 years ago and hasn't been very healthy since then. Back then the vet did tell us that he wasn't going to last for a long time because of his kidney disease. He has been having infrequent seizures for the past 18 months. Well, last night they became very, very frequent, he didn't recognize us and would walk in circles and fall down. So, today Lonnie had to take him to the vet to be put down. You see, Snuggle was a special kitty. Lonnie rescued him from what was supposed to be a vet's office...I say this because when we took him to our vet a couple of weeks after we got him our vet told us that at that time he was only 5-6 weeks old, so when Lonnie got him from the 1st "vet" and this vet said he was (at that time) 6-7 weeks old, he was not telling us the truth; or, more likely, didn't know what he was talking about. Anyway, at that time something had happened to his mother and he was without mom, so we raised him from the time that he was just a few weeks old. His name is Snuggle because that's what he's always done, snuggle with us. He's always been a fighter, since birth! He's fought this terrible kidney disease until he could fight no more. I hated him having to be put down, I wanted him to be with us for his last days, but he was suffering far too much with the constant seizures last night and, putting him down was the humane thing to do, sad as it is....and it's very sad.
So, that's why the title of this post if "Melancholy"....that's just how I'm feeling. Melancholy is defined as "pensive sadness" and "thoughtful or gentle sadness" and it's oh, so true...gentle sadness is what I feel about losing 2 cherished pets. LOL, one doesn't think that an animal will become so much a part of your family...but they sure do!
On a positive note...I got my new needles from Knitpicks...LOVE, LOVE! I'm about to go play with them for a bit...see if I can get my mind of off the losses.
Sorry about the gloominess of this post...but, life is sometimes sad.
So sorry Becka! *hugs*
aww, its so heartbreaking... my sympathies
I'm so sorry to hear that. *hugs* I hope a little knitting gets your mind off of it.
so sorry to hear about this...i am a bit behind...
So sorry to hear about Bo, and Snuggle, and about Sally's accident. (((hugs)))
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