We got a lovely new computer armoire from Staples....LOVE,

When you put your mouse on the photo you can see the inside....lots of space for our big computer screen/tv/dvd thingy, the tower, Bose speakers, and all sorts of files, paperwork, cameras, ipods...everything! 
There is a write on-wipe off white board on one door and cork board on the other...lots of useful storage space! We were looking @ digital slrs, but opted to get this first....I'm so happy that we did. Next...dslr

There is a write on-wipe off white board on one door and cork board on the other...lots of useful storage space! We were looking @ digital slrs, but opted to get this first....I'm so happy that we did. Next...dslr

On a very sad note....our parrotlet, Bo, died today after having been sick for a very short period of time. She was SO sweet and smart....just a wonderful bird, she will be greatly missed. Her buddy, Chloe, misses her terribly and seems to be mourning....we will have to get another bird for Chloe, he (yep, Chloe is a boy and Bo was a girl....we couldn't tell the sex when they were babes) has bonded to birds and not people...he's always been a bird's bird, and is in need of a friend......so, we will head out looking later today.
As for knitting....not much going on in the past few days. I'm slowly, but surely working on the finally KWC team member, Girlfriend Swing Coat Sweater...but it's slow going because I hate this yarn! In the past, I liked it okay...now, I'm not liking it at all (cotton tots)...but, I've got the yarn, so I've got to use the yarn. Anyway, it will be done by the deadline.
I got my cool R2 Paper yarn from Elann today....it's a nice mint green...10 balls...YIPPEE
....now, I must decide what I'm going to knit with it....suggestions would be appreciated.

I'm so bummed ..... I continue to read about my friends getting their needles from KnitPicks while I am still waiting!!! I admit, I am not patient...never have been, probably never will be! My needles were shipped on June 26 and are still not here. I thought for sure that they would be here today....but....NO
mine aren't here...I met the mailman today (I did get my cool yarn
), as I have for the past several days....but, no needles. There will be no needles tomorrow .... holiday....so, let's hope they will be here on Wednesday. Oh MY!!! Don't I sound whiney...my apologies! Here I am having a wonderful day, wonderful time with Lonnie and I'm whiney because my needles haven't arrived yet...that's awful and I sincerely apologize. I started to delete the post, but, what the hay...it stays, whining and all....LOL, afterall, it is what it is.
Happy 4th (almost) everyone....enjoy the fireworks and America's Birthday

Happy 4th (almost) everyone....enjoy the fireworks and America's Birthday
Sorry to hear about your bird. :( The armoire looks cool though! I can't see the inside when I put my mouse on the photo--maybe I'm missing some software?
Sorry to hear about Bo - KellyK from knitting help lost two birds this past weekend too :( I can't believe you haven't gotten you needles yet! I ordered mine today and I can't wait until they come in. I too don't like cotton tots - it is good for a purpose but in general it was very rough on my hands. Glad to hear you are enjoying vacation with Lonnie! :)
So Sorry about your little bird! I remember when our two birds passed away though I was only three then(one of my earliest memories!).
About that paper yarn. I got some(4) from my Knitty SP last year, she suggested a knitted bag. I haven't come around knitting it yet, but it's on my list(as are a dozen others...;-))
I'm so sorry to hear about your bird =( Sad when that happens to a loved pet. I adore your knitting Becka, really love what you have done for KWC and all your fabulous notes for Lonnie.
Have a happy 4th July! We are going to lunch to celebrate with an American colleague so no email catching up this lunchtime!
So sorry to hear about your Bo.
The armoire is lovely but ummm... shouldn't it be full of yarn?
I honor of the 4th, don't you think you should maybe take a bit of a risk (after all the forefather's took a risk) and cast on a 2nd or even 3rd project? ;-)
I'm sorry to hear about your bird. :( I hope you find a lovely new friend for Chloe. :) The armoire is great, though I was a little surprised not to see more yarn in there. ;) Hope you and Lonnie had a wonderful 4th!
So sorry to hear about your bird.
Love the new furniture. Organization always feels nice.
Sorry about your bird. It's always sad when we lose someone. Nice armoire, I long to be organized. Aren't vacations nice, when you can actually relax, instead of running around? Hope you get your yarn soon!
I tried to post a comment on today's entry but I kept getting an error message. Just wanted to say how very sorry I am about all your pet tragedies. So sad! Pets are so important and it is awful when something happens to them. Hugs to you - and keep doing the knitting therapy! Am glad you like the new needles!
I'm trying to post a comment on Wednesday's blog, but blogger is acting up. I just want to say how VERY sorry I am to hear about your pet troubles! Gosh, all at once...I hope you can find some solace in your knitting at this difficult time. *hugs*
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