Chef Knitterie presents, Rose, une mise à jour.
Un régal pour les yeux avec est ce plat de serverd somptueux de fil de coton avec un pincement de lacet lunatique.
Okay, so Chef is world famous. He's well-traveled, obviously, he can blend in with the natives of any land. Well, I am not world famous, nor do I blend in with the natives of any land, unless they are US southern natives. I'm a southern girl through and through with s Southern drawl to match...thus, my French leaves much to be desired. I was like..."Dude, I don't speak FRENCH!" The chef rolled his eyes and translated for me.
Chef Knitterie's service today is: "The Rose, an update. A feast for the eyes is this dish of sumptuous cotton yarn served with a pinch of whimsical lace."

While Lonnie and I were out yesterday I picked up 3 skeins of Bernat Cottontots for Allysa's jacket...last night I rolled them into balls with my handy-dandy Royal yarn winder. I LOVE my yarn winder, Lonnie surprised me with it a few weeks ago, I don't know what I did without it.

Speaking of my sweet hubby, he's off for 2 days & we are going to hang out & have some fun...yeah, baby!
Stay tuned, Chef Knitterie will be back with updates on the World Cup of Knitting as the kick off approaches......
1 comment:
oh i need me one of those handy dandy winders (and how do you say chef knitterie w/your hands and a drawl? hmmm?) hah!
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