Chef Knitterie is serving up some piping hot pictures today. I spent the morning taking several photographs for my new blog baby's buttons.
I think that they turned out quite nicely. While photographing these whimsical knitting goodies I decided that I would take a few pictures of Chef Knitterie serving hot balls of yarn. Chef Knitterie will be with us several times a week with knitty services....I'm looking forward to his specials.
I do so enjoy photography. I will admit that I've not been photographing anything other than knit-like items of late. But, I have plans to expand my photography. I want to get Adobe Elements photography software in the very near future.....AND.....I am officially putting the Canon Rebel digital camera on my wish list....oh, baby...what a camera!! I remain angry with myself for selling my wonderful 35mm camera AND lenses 17 or 18 years ago...how dumb was that?! At the time I said that I was done with 35mm photography & I was going to be a "point and shoot" kinda girl from then on...well, I MISS my very cool camera and I want another. I digress.....which is nothing out of the ordinary..LOL!! Ahh, knitterie photos is the topic...I took sixty some odd photos...gotta luv digital photography! All this so I could make some cool "Whimsical Knitting" buttons, I made several and I like 'em. I'm beginning to get a handle on this blogging, it's fun.

You are gonna be hard pressed to find anything more whimsical than Tink with some yarn, addis and pearls....Whimsical Knitting is what Tink's up to these days. She enjoys knitting quite alot, she's been very busy with her itty bitty addis as she's whipping up sweaters and hats and all sorts of knitty goodies for the Lost Boys back in Neverland. She's very secretive, too, no one has seen her knitting other than me...kind of weird, huh?! It is what it is...whimsical knitting.
Rose update: I had to tink back about 1/4 of Rose again yesterday, I wasn't happy with the sts. The deal was, I was trying to knit loosely and I can't knit any looser without the sts looking sloppy. I was, once again, about 1/3 of the way done, then I tinked back around 1/4-1/2 of that. Since then she's well on the way...I happily increasing now & really need to get cranking so that I can be "project-free" when I begin the Knitters Cup. I hope my yarn arrives in time!! Becka...over and out!
I love your blog! I thought that you said you didn't know what you were doing! :P
Hugs to you friend!
Um...as though I wasn't already sufficiently impressed with your knitting??! You've got blog SKILLZ girlfriend!! Love it.
I love your pictures! I too love photography and already warned DH that I want a digital SLR one of these days....he understood! :)
How did I miss your blog? It's great. Love all the pictures! Well, welcome to blogdom.
Oh, Becka!! Its wonderful to see you bloggin, and feeling well enough to take these lovely photos!!
I don't think I'm going to be starting Rose anytime soon--too much tinking makes Trudy a dull (and frustrated girl!!)
I'll be coming around again to see what Chef and TInk are up to next!!
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