HAPPY 2012 Knitty People!

I want to wish you all a very happy and blessed 2012!
LOL, I say "you all" as if I have a huge following on my personal blog as I did in the past, but alas I hang my head as I say that I do not. I have been terribly remiss with my blog for the past few years, as those of you (if there's anyone reading these days) who have known me since I began this blog know. One of my resolutions, my "cyber" resolution is to blog as I should .... yes, I know I've said it in the past, but I DO MEAN IT, truly I do! LOL, I feel like the
the boy who cried wolf as I'm typing this! As I've been typing I decided to ask...what are your 2012 knitty resolutions?! I have a few:
1. I want to try to design, knit and submit 5 designs for the upcoming 101 Lace Wonders One Skein book for which I was invited to design (I'M SO HONORED and HAPPY!!!)

. BUT, the submission deadline is Jan. 31 AND my surgery is Jan. 11! This could present a challenge, LOL! But, I'm happy to say that I will have the 1st design completed this morning, but I must type the pattern before going to the next design!
2. I have a LONG (
extremely) "to knit" list that gets longer by the year, LOL...do you have one, too?! I resolve to try to knit at least six items from the list in 2012.
3. Before I add to my "to knit" list I want to knit several things for my new baby great-nephew(after I've completed the designs for Lace Wonders) who will grace us with his presence this spring. Gotta LOVE knitting for babies, I certainly do! I'm so EXCITED, a new baby in the family!
4. Number 4 reiterates #2 because I could continue to list knitty resolutions, but they are all a part of my "to knit" list!
5. I'm going to re-introduce Chef Knitty to the blog world....that is, if he's up to it! He's getting older and has continued to travel the knitty world so he's often not home. He may want to spend his "home" time in a leisurely manner. If he reappears on the blog it will then be known that he's happy to share his knittiness.
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