First of all, I would like to ask you to please, please check out (AND FOLLOW!) my daughter's make-up and photography site on youtube! It's a lot of fun, especially if you want to learn about different make-up techniques. She's very informative and fun...check her out at Frankly Scarlett Faced on youttube: (click the pic!)

I hope that you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving (if in the U.S.) and are ready to continue your holiday festivities with a glorious Christmas!

The time has come (rather quickly!) to decide if I'm going to knit any for Christmas this year! I think that I will knit a few little stocking stuffers, you know, quick knits...which are, of course, among the faves! My daughter, like me, loves to use fingerless mitts when it starts to get cool and wears them on into cold weather. I love fingerless mitts, they keep the hands warm while allowing me to use my fingers...I'm useless with a full pair of gloves! So, I think I'm going to knit at least one pair for her stocking, a lacy pair. Now I must decide if I'm going to design a pair or look for a pattern...the timeline (which is rapidly getting much shorter!) will be key in my decision process!
A friend on facebook shared the idea of knitting a coffee cozy which is an excellent idea...I do believe I'll knit a small one, or perhaps the Posy Cosy

So, what's up with you guys?! I know, I know, I've virtually disappeared from the blog world and into the Facebook world, but I'm truly working on a comeback...
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