Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Rebecca's Design" in Socks a la Carte

Okay, I didn't post this @ the beginning of the year because it was going in a book by SWTC ---- HOW COOL IS THAT?!! I'll tell ya.....WAY COOL!! EXTREMELY COOL!!! VERY EXCITING!!! I could go on and on!!
Okay, the design was originally called "Twist and Shout" but the girls of SWTC renamed it "Rebecca's Design" (that is so cool!). I can give you no details. But, I can tell you, run to the nearest book store, yarn store, online retailer and get the book! It is extraordinary! You really need to check it out to understand!! The variety of socks is practically endless...SUCH FUN!
A fun knit....did I already say that?! Not only was I fortunate enough to have a pattern in this wonderful book....but, my sweet buds from SWTC, Jonelle and Kat, sent an autographed copy of Socks a la Carte to me!! I'M SO HONORED!! And, "Rebecca's Design" is right there: and: Yeah, I'm extremely EXCITED, HONORED, OVERWHELMED and HAPPY!!!


Judy S. said...

Congratulations on your sock design, Rebecca. I read with interest a post on the Reader about the shawl you made, but don't see it here. I just got that same pattern; yours turned out beautifully!

Becka said...

Thank you so much, Judy!
The shawl post in earlier in December....well, i posted it last night, but backdated it since I knit it in Dec!
I love, loved knitting the shawl! Hope you enjoy it, too!

Unknown said...

Congrats on being published! It has been on my wish list since it was published and I'm going to pick it up next time I'm in Chapters.
I just found you through a link on Little Purl of the Orient. Love your patterns, esp. the washcloths. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Becka--I am in awe!! I've seen your socks in the calendars, and now YOU ARE PUBLISHED IN A BOOK!! That is a real blessing to others and to you. I can see the Lord is blessing you everyday. Congratulations, honey--I hope you're feeling well.

Mouse said...

Hi, found you through Ravelry (comment train) i love your blog and congratulations on being published :0) i am determined to master socks this year and will keep popping back to your blog for inspiration.

Becka said...

What kind words from each of you! I am inspired by all of YOU!!!
I am so happy to know that fellow knitters enjoy my designs AND I am beyond happy to read that I inspired others! Just...WOW! Thank you all!! I am truly blessed!
hugs all around!!!

LenaL said...

Congratulations! But of course your lovely designes is worth beeing in books, spread out in the world!