Friday, November 02, 2007

ANNOUNCING! The Last Minute Gift Countdown!

It's that time of year, my friends , and, the holidays are right around the corner! It's past time to make prezzies

WHY?! You might ask! Allow me to announce the

which is sponsored by Karen from Cotton Spice & several designers! You can find all of the information right here and it goes like this:

"Well, here it is October (oops, Nov. here) and Christmas seems to be years away. But it’s not! Barely 2 months remain and you want gifts to be Made by You, but there’s little time. Upcoming parties, swaps, unexpected guests… there’s just not enough time! Not to worry, join us November 5-17 for The Last Minute Gift Countdown. Every day during this 2-week period on this blog and the designers blog will be a brand new, never before seen Gift Tutorial for you your own gifts, quickly and beautifully. There will be something for everyone, not just quilters! Embroidery, crochet, knitting, paper goods… the list goes on."

Now, you pop on over to Cotton Spice and you and take a look at the list - and it's a GOOD ONE, designers of all kinds are participating! Now, that's pretty cool, we are guaranteed a new, never before seen project from these designers that we can whip up for Christmas or any time that you would like! I don't need to get hit in the head with a brick to know a good deal when I see one!

Thanks, Designers Ya'll ROCK!!


AR said...

Is Christmas really that close? At least I've got some gifts knitted!

Jadielady said...

Thanks for coming by mine as well, feel free to add me to your links, I'm adding you to mine :) Thanks!

Marykz said...

cotton spice is a lovely site- and check out their cookbook too. can I say they published one of my recipes?? lol- I enjoy reading your blog and checking out your patterns. thanks!

Becka said...

Artleta, you are a knitting machine! I don't knit for Christmas! I have been thinking of making our Christmas list, though, LOL!
Jadielady, please stop by any time!!!
WTG, marykz!! Having a recipe published it EXCITING & not easy!! job well done!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Aye, Christmas is around the corner! I'm debating if I'm going to try to make anything or not.