What causes one to say "Mmmmmmm Mmmmmmmm Good" ..... A lovely meal?! Drink?! Ice cream?! Cheese cake?! The thought of eating in a very exclusive restaurant?! These are the things that spring to mind for most folks, I would think. But, we knitters, we are a different breed, a class unto ourselves. We save the phrase for something distinctive, something knitterie.

Yes, something that makes a knitter's mouth water. What could that be one might ask. Why, yarn, of course! And, not just any yarn, but a soft, delectable, gotta rub it, caress it, can't keep your hands off of it kind of yarn.
YES!You got it....

You are hard pressed to find a wool this soft...anywhere. This yummilicious yarn comes from what I can only imagine as the picturesque grassland and low hills of Uruguay.

Malabrigo is a family owned business, how cool is that?! I'm happy to know that with each hank of Mmmmmm that I purchase I am helping a family in Uruguay. That being said, of course, when I found out that my favorite
yarn shop carried Mmmmmm Mmmmmm Good, I had to get some! When I was in the store today Mickey (the owner & one of the sweetest people you can find) told me that they had just gotten this, the 1st shipment, a couple of days ago! You see, I like most knitters, have a 6th sense when it comes to such things like the knowledge that a wonderful yarn is coming to town.

Needless to say, I got a little bit of Mmmmmm Mmmmmmm Good yarn, 4 hanks of the "Molly" colorway, a delightful pink. Molly is destined to become "A Touch of Whimsy" scarf, hat and possibly fingerless gloves for
Me! It took quite some time to choose Molly, too. My goodness, she had 17 colorways, and, of course, I liked them all! I finally decided that deep pink Molly wanted to live with me, although..."Sapphire Green" was a very, very close competitor...perhaps next time

Onto the knitting front. Well, I've been working on
Rusted Root for my sister. Well, RR's had quite a journey. She began as

a 1 lb. cone of Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece (not an easy find...Ebay). Thanks to a surprise from My Man, a yarn winder, she was then

, after a bit of knitting RR was beginning to take shape.

. But, not exactly a shape I was enamored with

Wonky stitch here, wonky stitch there, here a wonky, there a wonky. I am not fond of wonkiness in my knitting....So RR was, once again

I had tried, for some reason or another, to knit loosely, something that I just don't do. I'm not a tight, tight knitter, but loose, my knitting is not. Needless to say, I wasn't happy with the quantity of loose sts that I found in Rusted Root, so I frogged and cast on once again.

Today she is happy to have nice, uniform sts, even though she won't be whole for a bit longer...but, she understands.
Now, what will I knit when I finish Rusted Root?! Will it be one of the shawls that I'm anxious to knit...or a Mmmmmm Mmmmmm Good scarf ensemble?! That, my friend, is a hard call!
Ooh, looks lovely! I have some Malabrigo from handpaintedyarn.com on the way to me and I can't wait! It's the same company but they don't offer the worsted malabrigo on the site. :( Still, it's great stuff!
Poor RR! Frogged so many times! Hopefully third times a charm! How lucky you are to have Malabrigo so close! I have talked to my LYS about carrying it with no avail. Sigh....
Keep this up and I'm going to HAVE to get some Malabrigo and cast on even another WIP!
Glad that RR is reviving well!
That looks like some yummy yarn! And it looks like the WIP is kitty approved, and ya know, nothing can be finished without that approval.
Molly is a beauty! She'll make a gorgeous scarf, hat and glove combo. Mmmmmmmmmm...
Sorry about the set-back with RR, but it is soooooo pretty!
ok, you've convinced me that i need to get some Mmmmmmm immediately! that deep pink is just gorgeous. and RR is looking great!
yup.... consider me convinced too. i'm sooo on the malabrigo conga line!!!
Rusted Root is looking lovely despite the rocky beginnings.
oooh... mmmmalabrigo... I've never actually tried any... but I've been tempted to purchase a skein sometime just so I know what everyone's raving about!!
Holy cow! The Malabrigo color palette is just gorgeous! Must get Frank Ochre...and Cypress...and Rhodesian...and....:)
Mmmmmmmalabrigo is just to beautiful! Sorry you had so much trouble with Rusted Root - I hope it keeps going well!
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