Chef Knitteries' Knitting World Cup service for today is De Tank van de Schommeling van de Zomer van Spicey met een gezonde kant van weinig meisjes tollende.
My Dutch being, well...nonexistent, I asked Chef to translate, and today we have:
"Spicey Summer Swing Tank with a healthy side of little girl twirl."
Yes, I have finished the fourth project in my Knitting World Cup entry, Team Summer Ensemble.

I've not got much left to do for our KWC team...the projects that are left are GF Swing Coat Sweater (which will be the last one that I do, I think), Mission Tank (or one that is similar, using leftover yarn), and the project that I will begin today is another design of my own making. I have done a couple of sketches of a cute, little girl top that I have in mind, now, I must see if what I have in my brain can make it onto the knitting needles....hmmmm....time will tell.
I must say....I'm loving this new blog template!!! Thanks to Blogger Templates!...and I thought that I wasn't going to find the template that I liked on blogger.com...I was wrong, and am woman enough to say so

Lovely tank!
I must say I really like your new blog design. it's fresh and clean!
Have to rework mine, it's a bit too colorfull, I think.
The swing top looks adorable - I still can't wait for pictures of the cutie modeling all of these. You truly are a knitting inspiration!
i am very impressed by kwc ensemble! i feel so slow and far behind :)
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