Me, being me, had to have it when I saw it in Barnes and Noble, couldn't wait for my 1st issue to, I have an extra copy to give away. Here's the deal, leave a comment on my blog after taking this quiz (I got 13 out of 15) on knitting. Saturday I will get Lonnie to choose a name out of a hat and this person will win this summer issue of Interweave Knits.

On to knitting...I finished the "Allysa Halter" today, it's now blocking. I think that it's cute. Stats: size 7 addis and Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece #810 Cherry Moon.

Okay, this is what I did. I obtained my gauge, which was 5 sts to the inch. And multiplied it by 23, which is the chest circumference for 4T can do this with any gauge and any circumference, then alter the top to fit your can add any stitch pattern that you want here.
I followed Katja's directions and used provisional cast on for each cup. Rather than using the recommended # of cast on sts, I increased mine to 35 sts cast on for each cup, I continued to follow the Katja's instructions on each cup. I then cast on (using long tail cast on) 31 sts onto my size 7, 24 inch addis (this is where I deter from the pattern, I'm about to knit the garter st band in the round). I then followed the directions for row one of the body, but I knit across 20 sts before beginning to knit the cups together as directed in Katja's pattern. After knitting the cups together, I knit the remaining sts and cast on (I used cable cast on) another 31 sts, this gave me a total of 115 sts., I then joined the round began the garter st. band: Place marker @ the 1/2 way point to ready for repostioning of sts @ the front of the halter.
Rnd 1: purl
Rnd 2: knit
Rnd 3: purl
Rnd 4: knit
Rnd 5: purl.....break yarn after finishing this round and reattach yarn at the front of the halter and begin knitting back and forth so that the lower front of the halter will be open.

Okay, now begin to knit back and forth and begin the pattern of your choice, you can find several stitch patterns here and all over the web...if you want to use the same pattern I did, I used the Tulip Lace pattern from 365 Stitch Calendar. Another lovely eyelet pattern can be found here.
It's very important to remember to include a garter stitch edge so that it won't roll inward, as stockinette fabric loves to do.

I continued knitting this eyelet pattern for approximately 7-7 1/2 inches, I then knit 6 rows for the garter stitch border and then used Elizabeth Zimmerman's
sewn bind off.
Allysa continues to block and will be well received by her namesake,

Alyssa looks great!
I took the little quiz. Woohoo, 15/15! It must be my day. A couple of those were guesses...
What a cute little top! And it'll look even cuter on her. :)
I got 14 out of 15, because I've never tried Fair Isle knitting. That's the only one I missed.
Boo hoo! :(
Oh well, at least I was CLOSE to perfect. :)
I hope I win the magazine! It will help to feed my knitting addiction.
i got 11/15, as well. you don't have to enter my name into the drawing, but instead tell me when you signed up for your subscription because i did as well and have been waiting FOREVER. i got the bill WEEKS ago. i called them up and was like yo! they said not to worry, but i wanted that thing when i saw it, dang it. :(
alyssa came out awesome!
I got 13/15 :) But, don't enter me in the drawing - I already bought the issue.
Your granddaughter is tooooo precious for words! Just adorable!
I got 11/15, but I'll blame it on the language thing ;-)
The halter looks great!
I got 13/15, better than I expected. I got the knitting knobby and Argyll questions wrong (should have gone with my gut on the 2nd one)
Have I told you lately what a FABULOUS knitter you are - your WC projects look amazing!
I made 12/15, above average, barely! HA! Fun quiz!
That top is too cute! Thanks for all your added instructions.
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