Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I would like to ask that you please pray for my husband, Lonnie. He has had trouble with his back for many years. It's gotten much worse of late. His primary dr. is referring him to a pain specialist to see if epidurals will be helpful. It's our hope that these will help and surgery will not be needed now. 
He was told in the past that he needs back surgery but that it wasn't something he should do unless he could no longer stand the pain. He very rarely mentions his pain...well, he told me he's ready to get it fixed now...that told a BIG story - he's in bad shape!
If it's time for surgery, please pray that God direct him to a wonderful neuro surgeon and that all goes well, a great recovery. I know medical advances are made daily and I hope and pray this surgery isn't as bad as the docs said in the past.
I pray for God's will .... and that it gets Lonnie out of pain, or as much as possible. It's also my prayer that we hear from these docs asap!
Thanks very, very much for your prayers!


Susan said...

Yes, I will be holding Lonnie up in prayer. I have the same problem and the epidurals are not working as well as I would like.

bunnits said...

I will certainly keep Lonnie and you in my prayers. I have back problems and am hoping to avoid surgery as long as possible. Sometimes, though, it is the only solution. I will certainly offer up prayers for courage, strength, and healing.

Luciana DeVito said...

Becka, I just saw this post. I'm definitely keeping him AND you in prayer. Please let me know how it goes. The Lord is faithful and He ALWAYS uses the tough things in life to make us stronger and bring us closer to Him. I've experienced this with my own husband's illness. XO!

Tracy said...

Becka -- my husband suffered with back pain for years before going the route of epidurals. Once they failed him, he found a fantastic neurosurgeon and had surgery this past December. For the first time in 20 years he is pain free! Surgery isn't ever the first choice but in our case it was the best one. I'll keep you both in my prayers and hope you find peace and strength.