Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Another New Pattern is Up!

Hello one and all!
A brief note to let you know that my latest men's socks design is now available on my
design blog (and linked in the sidebar). They were designed and knit for my Honey, Music Man (lol, the 1st time I've actually used a "code name" in over a year!)...he told me yesterday that they are his favorite socks thus far!!! COOL, HUH?! These are the "Big Boss Man Socks"! A fun knit, a different pattern on the front and back! . A bit of cable action, very masculine, too!

Merry Christmas and God Bless!!!


Julie said...

what a great pattern, thanks Becka!

hakucho said...

Your new sock pattern is very cool with a different front and back :)Thanks for sharing your pattern!