Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hey Blogger People!

Hope all is well with everyone!

First and foremost I want to ask you all to please remember my daughter in your prayers, she will be 22 tomorrow! Well, she spent a great deal of time in the ER on the April 30th in intense abdominal pain. The docs 1st thought it to be her appendix, but it isn't, rather diverticulitis on the right side (very adnormal for someone her age) and colitis. It just so happened that she had an appointment for her annual with her GP the following day and she has, of course, referred my daughter to another GI doc (she has had GI problems for years). Here is the scary part, that I have asked God to handle and would like you to, as well. Her biological father died earlier this year with an unknown intestinal cancer, as did his mother. We are sure that God will handle this, but calling in reinforcements for prayer is a good thing! Her new cousin-in-law happens to be the PA for the GI dr. that handled her biological father, so she is going to him because he is aware of the family history.
My friends, please pray that Our Lord heals my daughter, that she is out of pain and that He directs this doctor to get to the root of this problem and correct it (and that it not require surgery or anything unpleasant or bad in any way) so that she will be okay and can live a normal life. I thank you, from the bottom of my heart for your prayers!

Onto some knitting news, as I have stated, I participated in at for a short period of time in April...this was after I had socknitting fatigue (still have it...had to frog Lonnie's socks!). I enjoyed this kal, I sent a few washcloths a rubber duckie and a tin of French soap to a friend that has been having a bad time lately...she told me that they brightened her day, which made my day!

Now, for this month at we have in which we will, of course, knit, crochet, needlepoint (your stitchy of choice) flowers and all things floral. This should be fun, I've got a flower picked out that is no longer on the web, so I can't share it until it's done...sorry. I won't be doing more than one, because I must get BUSY.......

Knitting socks for Lonnie! My goodness, I completely flaked on !! I mean, I just found out about it and joined late in March, which meant it was too late for my March socks to count, which was okay, I'm cool with rules! Then I had the socknitting SockJo (MoJo's serious big sister that helps with socknitting)! I designed a new pair of socks, couldn't get in the mood to knit them....and when I did...had to FROG them! So, I am back at the drawing board. I want to knit these same socks, just have to make some another pair and have them knit by May 13, our anniversary! This means...SockJo must return! And I do so hope that this phenomenon that has been going on in my knitting life....I knit slower the longer that I have knit...I mean, I've been knitting pretty close to 3 years now and I knit way faster when I had been knitting for 2 years! What's up with that?! I really NEED to knit faster! I used to knit 3 pairs of socks a week with no problem (of course, I wasn't designing them and they were girl socks and not man socks....). BUT, I should still be able to design and knit Man Socks in a week with no problem!!! SockJo, come see me!!!!

Okay, onto my most fun along of all.....!!! Yeah, Baby, a bit 'o yarn porn: Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk DK from my very favorite This stunning DB Alpaca Silk hopes to grow up to be a very lovely Shetland Triangle shawl as can be seen in the Scarf/Wrap Style kal (with her accessories, of course....hat, gloves, perhaps, we'll know when the knit happens!)

And, as if that isn't enough! My husband, knowing our anniversary is coming up watches the items that I am watching on Ebay (well, he does that all of the time and often surprises me with items from Ebay because of this) and for our anniversay he won this beautiful pink Hommer bakelite yarn holder that matches the gorgeous one that my dear friend Amy gave me for Christmas (which, in turn, began my obsession desire for collecting vintage knitting)!!

BUT WAIT...that's not all!!!!

He also won all of this: Yes, it looks like a lot of stuff....well, look at this bakelite stitch holder!!!!!!! (A friend had wanted that, too, but he didn't know that so he bid on it because he knew I wanted it, especially because it's pink!). And, I want to start collecting bakelite needles: and more crochet hooks: (both because I need different sizes for some things I crochet in knitting and I'm thinking about really learning to crochet). So, you see, in that one auction of "stuff" there are "gems" all over it! I'm so excited! I told him that's all that I want for our anniversary...not even a trip to the yarn shop to spend many, many $ like we did last anniversay! see, I MUST get busy sock

My goodness, I'm so lucky! I'm so blessed, I have the best husband in the world!!! Again, not just because he spoils me...he is an outstanding person in more ways than I have time to tell you about at the moment!!!!

On a side note......Don't you think this: is just funny?!

I leave you with Sally, the Harley Doxie


Sandi said...

Lifting you and your family in prayer. He is the great Physician!

I love the ducky idea to cheer up a friend!

Much love and hugs! Sandi

hakucho said...

Your daughter most certainly will be in my prayers. Hope she'll be better real soon :)
Bakelite needles...I think I have some of those that were my grandmother's. How do you know they are bakelite?

Love your rainbow cloths...just beautiful :)
happy knitting :)

Michelle said...

I hope your daughter feels better soon. She is definitly in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes for your daughter. Hope she is well soon.

Presents, presents and more presents! Enjoy!

Romi said...

Warm wishes for your daughter's full recovery! All the best to both of you.

Sabrina said...

I'll be thinking of your daughter and keeping my fingers crossed for her.

That's a lot of neat stuff. Especially the pink yarn holder. I LOVE pink.

And I've been trying to learn crochet too. I know enough to put crochet edges on my knitting but that's about all. After seeing some REALLY cool crocheted things on Crafster, I've decided to try it. I got Happy Hooker and Teach Yourself Visually: Crocheting from the library.

roxtarc said...

OMG... my father was recently diagnosed w/the same thing. i'm sooo sorry, it's vrey painful. BUT he has learned to control it thru diet.

There aren't many books on it however... this site was very helpful (altho because i'm not a fan of podcasts i would not recommend purchasing their material). the cookbook tho may be helpful for your daughter (it wouldnt help my father as he will not cook for himself).

I've done a lot of research on this for my father... if your daughter would like to email me w/any questions... PLEASE feel free to share my email w/her!!!!! I don't think there's enough information out there on it (i've even thought to write a book myself)

Diet is the key to controlling this. Really, my father has learned this himself & finally understands what he should & should not eat.

much love & prayers!

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is in my thoughts. Hope all goes well.


Daryl said...

I will pray for your daughter. I have had ulcerative colitis for 19 years so know a little about such issues.