You think I mean Dr. Who
don't ya?!
Nope, I meant who is the doctor that is going to help me?! I so neeeeded a doctor earlier this week, I was sick, I was so sick that WIP Sock got sick, too! My Man went out of town on business Tuesday morning and after he left I had great plans, plans to do deep cleaning around the house and organizing the kitchen cabinets. Well, I so detest housecleaning that my body revolted at the entire idea! I began to feel off color, a bit odd. Instead of cleaning I picked up WIP Sock and worked on him a bit (I do believe this is when he got ill), I was feeling so badly that I couldn't knit!! Now you know just how horrible it was! The stomach began to feel really odd, then, later in the day, it began to hurt, spasm, the pain was horrible....then....
we ended up in the bathroom...over and over (you get the picture). Oh, the stomach was writhing and making NOISES! It was NOT a pretty picture. We (WIP Sock is just as ill as I by this time!) now had to grab the trashcan while sitting on the pot... was BAD, really, really BAD. Now, while sitting on the toilet, with the trashcan at hand I wondered Who the Doctor was that I could call, that would come to our aid. As I wondered about this, I also wondered how I was going to call Dr Who, the phone was not in the bathroom, and...I was not about to move! Next the trashcan comes in handy
.... yep, head in trashcan, throwing up at the same time the pot is in use...oh, it was bad, very, very bad. So, there we sat, WIP Sock and I, for hours, with my head against the wall and WIP Sock in my lap when not in the was bad, so bad. No Dr. Who, not this night....
Next day, I'm happy to say, no more intestinal violence, rather a day under the covers. The moral of this story.....don't plan to do housework when you husband is out of town on business, it goes against the laws of nature.

Nope, I meant who is the doctor that is going to help me?! I so neeeeded a doctor earlier this week, I was sick, I was so sick that WIP Sock got sick, too! My Man went out of town on business Tuesday morning and after he left I had great plans, plans to do deep cleaning around the house and organizing the kitchen cabinets. Well, I so detest housecleaning that my body revolted at the entire idea! I began to feel off color, a bit odd. Instead of cleaning I picked up WIP Sock and worked on him a bit (I do believe this is when he got ill), I was feeling so badly that I couldn't knit!! Now you know just how horrible it was! The stomach began to feel really odd, then, later in the day, it began to hurt, spasm, the pain was horrible....then....

Next day, I'm happy to say, no more intestinal violence, rather a day under the covers. The moral of this story.....don't plan to do housework when you husband is out of town on business, it goes against the laws of nature.
It just so happened that I had an appointment with my new GP on Thursday morning and he told me that there was indeed an intestinal bug going around...DUH! I am happy to say that my new Dr. Who gave me a clean bill of health (and a flu shot). Then, of course, scheduled me for my boob smashing, joy! I know that you are on the edge of your seats waiting for that report. One of the WIP Sock family members will attend, afterall, I gotta have something to do while waiting and anticipating that pain!
We are now back in full swing,

OOF! I got violently ill one night this week, too, while hubby was out of town. It is never fun to vomit, but it is even worse when there is no one there to feel sorry for you! Well, I'm glad at least your sock was there to feel your pain!
Glad you're feeling better. ;)
Good to hear you're feeling better! x
Oh no! I'm so sorry that you (and WIP sock) were sick! Glad it was short-lived though! Stomach bugs are the worst!
You know, as funny as it was reading it, I really feel with you! I can still remember the one time I had something like that only it lasted three days and my mum was on the verge of taking me to hospital(I refused, I HATE hospitals). Glad you feel better!
That is actually the only thing I worry about when I think about moving to my own place, who would be there if I were sick?
Oh dear! Glad you and the WIP are better! Good you only had one WIP... think if they all got sick? ;)
oh i feel your PAIN w/the bowl & the bucket... ctg & i once got food poisoning (or a bug we still dont know), simulateously, and we've only got one SMALL bathroom.... he'd get into the bed after AHEM exhausting himself & the motion would cause ME (who was in the bed) to havta go and... exhaust myself... it was a horrible vicious cycle... we were a tag team!
i'm glad you're feelin better!
I am glad that you are feeling better! Give your WIP sock a hug for me! :)
Poor you! I'm so glad you feel better (housework makes me ill, too, LOL).
I am yet to find a knitter who enjoys housework, it eats into valuable knitting time!!
Would you believe it that my whole entire family had that bug last week, it must have been a worldwide one ;)
Glad you're better. I hate being sick! Good for you for exercising. And you can knit and watch tv at the same time. Yay!
I hope that you and the sock are finally feeling better! As far as the housework goes, it is the thought that count right? ;)
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