This evening's service from Chef Knitterie is Short Snort Tank a la Bourgeoise.
In other words....I finished Allysa's Short Snort Tank this evening and all family members loved it!! I was so happy today when I opened the mailbox and saw that the package from The Knitter had arrived...the Wick yarn that I needed to complete the tank. And, complete the tank I did and it turned out rather cute, I think. I say this again...love, love this yarn!

My mother in law flipped over the tank, she loves it, can't seem to say it enough. I must say, it is very nice to hear when others say that they like my work. I have been knitting for two years now and I think I've learned alot...got a LOT more to learn and I readily admit that it makes me feel very nice when others compliment something I've made. Okay, enough with my gushing....
Here we have a photo of the back of the tank.

As far as World Knitting Cup knitting goes, I've made good headway thus far with the completion of Kidlet Tank, Allysa Halter, and now Short Snort Tank, with a fair amount of progress on Summer Swing Top since yesterday's faux pas when I discovered the moebius (hate thinking about that!!!...still, I'm happy I found it before I knit any further...cup is 1/2 full, never 1/2 empty, right!!) mistake. I will end this evening with a bit more knitting of the Summer Swing Top. This World Knitting Cup is a LOT of fun....oh, my...almost forgot to mention, the WKC made the news in a paper in the lovely state of Texas, the article can be found here. I find it quite refreshing to see knitting in the news...more and more often, at that! We knitters are a force to be reckoned with...gone are the stereotypes of old women with their hair in a bun knitting away as they rock in their rockers on the front porch!!! Knitters ROCK alright, but not in the chair...YEAH, BABY!!
Oh my, I have found another MUST HAVE!!! Well, truth be told, several must haves!! The new knitting needles that KnitPicks has just launched...OPTIONS. I adore them, I want the interchangeables first, then all of the others...what can I say, I'm a knitting needles junkie...and proud of it! Kelley had told me in a recent email that she had been so busy at work on a top-secret project, so secret in fact, that she couldn't even tell me about it. Of course, I immediately became very curious...I knew it had to be something spectacular...and I was right, these needles are going to be the answer to so many knitter's dreams. I had recently told Lonnie that it would be wonderful if Addi had an interchangeable set of needles, then, something much better happens...a friend of mine comes out with the perfect needles! WTG, Kelley!!
Love the needles!! Those are going on my wish list, big time. Love the tank top, love the colors, it looks wonderful :)
The tank looks fabulous! Are those needles as good as Addis? I'm in love with mine and would love an interchangeable set - I haven't gone that far yet!
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