Today Chef Knitterie is serving "Cocer al vapor el disco del espectro del proyecto con un poco azul en el lado."
As usual, my language skills do not match Chef K's, he has translated his Spanish for me.
"Steaming platter of project spectrum with a bit of blue on the side."
Since I have started blogging I thought it about time that I joined more "blog" things. So, I joined Project Spectrum, albeit, a bit late in the game, but, I saw no reason to join in the past because I didn't blog.
That said, I saw that June's color is blue, a favorite of mine. I began looking around in my photos and my yarn stash and came up with a few pictures. Most all of these are knitting related, I'm hoping to find other blue objects to photograph before the month is out...by then, hopefully, I will know a bit more about my new

Onward to my blue knitting world.... We have the lacey socks that I made my sister for her birthday.

Then, to my delight...I found a box with blue feathers...

Congrats Becka you won the "Have Yarn Will Travel" contest on Tropical Knits! Your ziploc baggies suggestions was fabulous.
WOW, what a lot of blue!! :-) I have very little because blue isn't my most flattering color--but my dd likes it, so I've started buying more, for her.
Soleil is gorgeous! I love that blue!
Blue is my absolute favourite colour, you have a ton of gorgeous blues! I also love your Soleil - I'm doing that too now - will post pics tomorrow but my lace work looks so shoddy, yours is beautiful!
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